Wed, Nov 29, 2023

A dog jumped on my dog and now she's limping I would like to know if she needs to go to the vet or she needs any kind of medicine or Tylenol what kind

Dr. Miller
Dr.Tail Vet

Limping can be a sign of various issues ranging from a simple strain to a more serious injury such as a fracture or ligament tear.

If the limping is mild and there are no open wounds, you may monitor her for a short period. Ensure she rests and avoid strenuous activity to prevent further injury.

If the limping persists or worsens, or if she is in obvious pain (whining, reluctance to move, or aggressive when the area is touched), these are signs that a veterinary examination is necessary. Do not administer human medications like Tylenol, as many are toxic to dogs and can cause serious harm.

At home, you can provide a comfortable space for your dog to rest. You may apply a cold compress to the affected area if there is swelling, but only for short periods (10-15 minutes), ensuring that there is a barrier like a towel between the ice pack and her skin.

If she stops eating, becomes lethargic, the limb appears misshapen, or she develops a fever (you can check by feeling if her ears or nose are hotter than usual), these are urgent signs that require immediate veterinary attention.

Remember, it's better to err on the side of caution with limping. If there's any doubt about the severity of the injury, a vet visit is the safest course of action. They can provide a thorough examination, possibly including X-rays or other diagnostics, to determine the exact cause of the limping.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.