Tue, May 7, 2024

She was getting on the couch and somehow hurt her left leg and it started swelling within minutes she stretches it out but shes limping and whining it's swollen around the I guess knee joint

Dr. Onesi
Dr.Tail Vet

This could be a soft tissue injury, like a sprain or strain, or in more severe cases, it could involve the ligaments, such as a cranial cruciate ligament rupture, which is similar to the ACL in humans.

For now, it's important to restrict her activity to prevent further injury. Keep her in a confined space where she can't run or jump, and avoid taking her on walks, except for short ones to go to the bathroom. You can apply a cold compress to the swollen area for 10-15 minutes, several times a day, to help reduce inflammation and provide some pain relief.

If she's not already on pain medication prescribed by a veterinarian, it's best not to give her any over-the-counter human pain medications as they can be toxic to dogs. Instead, you can provide a comfortable place for her to rest and ensure she has easy access to food and water.

Keep an eye on the swelling and her general behavior. If the swelling does not start to go down, if she stops eating or drinking, or if she seems lethargic or more painful, these are signs that she needs immediate veterinary attention. Additionally, if you notice any deformity to the leg, if she's completely non-weight bearing, or if the limb appears to be at an abnormal angle, these are urgent situations, and she should be taken to a veterinary hospital right away.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.