I gave him dog cbd last night then woke up to him having massive diarrhea and throwing up just got him to eat a little and drink water
Given that these issues began after administering CBD, it's possible that the CBD could be the cause. While CBD is generally safe for dogs, some can experience adverse reactions.
First, ensure your dog stays hydrated by offering small amounts of water frequently. If he isn't drinking much, you can also offer ice cubes for him to lick.
Since he has managed to eat a little, continue to provide bland foods like boiled chicken and rice in small, frequent meals. It's best to avoid giving any treats or rich foods during this time.
Keep a close eye on his condition. If the symptoms persist or worsen, particularly if he continues to vomit or becomes more lethargic, it is crucial to seek veterinary care immediately. Dehydration and prolonged vomiting or diarrhea can be serious, especially in young dogs.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.