Fri, Aug 9, 2024

If he drank from a dirty rain-water puddle should I be worried? It was kinda muddy. I wanted him to dip his paws only in it to cool himself better but he began to drink it a bit.

Dr. Sena
Dr.Tail Vet

If your dog drinks from a dirty rain-water puddle, it could potentially be exposed to various contaminants such as bacteria, parasites, and chemicals. While a small amount might not cause immediate harm, it's crucial to monitor your dog for any signs of illness over the next few days.

You should keep an eye out for symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, lethargy or unusual tiredness, loss of appetite, excessive drooling, and any changes in urination or drinking habits. If you observe any of these signs, it would be wise to consult with a veterinarian promptly.

In the meantime, make sure your dog has access to clean, fresh water to help flush out any potential contaminants. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to ask. Thank you.