Thu, Feb 29, 2024

He has a "growth" on one of his testicle. IT started fairly small but rapidly growing

Dr. Sena
Dr.Tail Vet

These conditions could range from benign issues like a cyst or lipoma to more serious concerns such as a testicular tumor, which can be malignant or benign. In intact male dogs, testicular tumors are not uncommon and can vary in their aggressiveness and potential to spread.

Given the rapid growth of the mass, it's important to closely monitor for any changes in size, shape, or color, as well as any other symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or signs of pain. It's also crucial to check if there are any changes in urination or defecation habits, as these could be affected by the growth.

In the meantime, ensure that your dog is kept comfortable and that the affected area is not being licked or irritated by your pet. If your dog attempts to lick or chew at the growth, an Elizabethan collar may be necessary to prevent self-trauma, which could lead to infection or worsen the condition.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, it would be imperative to seek immediate veterinary attention: significant increase in the size of the growth, signs of infection (such as redness, heat, pus, or a foul odor), difficulty walking or standing, excessive panting, or any sudden behavioral changes. These could indicate complications or progression of the underlying condition.

I will contact you in 3 days to check on Parzivel's status. Until then, try the advises above and keep an eye on him.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.