As, discussed in our previous consult, he was not eating much, he was laying down all day, and was being more quiet than usual.
Unfortunately, Midnight passed away 3 days after our previous consult, but he did vomit the day before he passed away. I wonder if that was a telltale sign of his passing and if there was anything that could have been done to prevent this?
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I’m so sorry about your cat’s death. I sympathize with the sadness you must have felt.
Cats do not easily share or show their pain because wildness remains.
The reason why cats vomit may be simple or temporary, but it may be a serious illness.
Pancreatitis, fatty liver, tumors, serious digestive diseases, serious infections in the upper respiratory tract, heart disease, pneumonia, and so on can cause vomiting for a variety of reasons.
When a cat shows pain and the owner takes it to an animal hospital, the disease is often very advanced.
If the vomiting cat shows very lethargy, has difficulty breathing (a symptom of lack of oxygen), has pale mucous membranes, has anorexia lasting more than 3 to 4 days, and is accompanied by fever, you should take it to the veterinary hospital immediately for treatment. In this severe condition, the treatment that can be done at home is very limited.
The death of your cat is not your fault at all. Even veterinarians will not be able to conclude that the cat is in a serious condition, just by vomiting.