
Hello. LJ vomited a half hour ago. My concern is not so much that she vomited, but that she vomited up her shredded chicken wet food and it happened 4 hours after she ate. Is that normal to still be able to throw up food 4 hours after eating? She’s acting fine, no other symptoms.

Cat, Mixed
3 years 4 months, Female
Issue details
Main concern
Bloody or black
Episodic(at certain triggers)
1 day(s)
Other issues
Dr. Wilkins
Dr.Tail Vet

It's completely understandable to be concerned when your cat vomits, especially if it happens hours after eating. Vomiting can occur for various reasons, and while it can be alarming, it isn't always a sign of a serious problem. Let's discuss a few potential causes:

Firstly, cats can sometimes vomit food several hours after eating due to slow gastric emptying. This means that the food stays in their stomach longer than usual before moving into the intestines.

Secondly, dietary sensitivity could be a factor. Sometimes, certain foods might not agree with your cat, even if they've eaten them before without issues. It could be worth monitoring if this happens again with the same food.

Another common cause is hairballs. Cats often vomit due to hairballs, especially if they groom themselves frequently. This can sometimes cause them to vomit food that hasn't been fully digested.

Lastly, stress or anxiety can also lead to vomiting. Changes in the environment or routine can sometimes cause stress in cats, leading to this reaction.

Since LJ is acting fine otherwise and this seems to be an isolated incident, you can monitor her for now. Ensure she has access to fresh water and observe her eating habits and behavior over the next few days. If the vomiting persists or if you notice other symptoms like lethargy, diarrhea, or changes in behavior, it would be best to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying issues.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.


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