Sun, Jun 2, 2024

She’s been constantly licking her front right paw, it’s really red and raw now from her licking it. She started out licking the bottom of her paw which now looks okay, but now she’s licking the top of her paw which is now red and raw. I’m not sure the cause of why she wont stop licking her paw.

Dr. Mason
Dr.Tail Vet

It sounds like your dog is experiencing significant discomfort, leading her to lick her paw excessively. This behavior can be due to several reasons, including allergies, infections, or irritants. Given that the redness and rawness have persisted for two weeks and are now spreading, it's essential to address this promptly to prevent further complications.

Here are a few steps you can take at home:

First, gently clean the affected area with a sterile saline solution to remove any debris or irritants. It's important to avoid using harsh chemicals or soaps that could further aggravate the skin.

Next, consider using an Elizabethan collar, commonly known as a cone, to prevent her from licking the area further. Continuous licking can exacerbate the irritation and delay the healing process.

You might also want to apply an antibiotic ointment to the affected area to prevent secondary infections. Make sure the ointment is safe for dogs and does not contain any ingredients that could be harmful to pets.

Additionally, think about any recent changes in her environment or diet that might have triggered an allergic reaction. This could include new food, treats, cleaning products, or even outdoor allergens.

Given the severity and duration of the symptoms, I strongly recommend visiting a veterinarian. They can provide a thorough examination, possibly conduct tests to determine the underlying cause, and prescribe appropriate treatments such as antibiotics, antifungals, or anti-inflammatory medications.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.