She recently just had 6 puppies and they seemed pretty healthy when they came out but we have lost 3 she's buried 2 of them in our belongings and I can't find the other one. I have no clue why these puppies keep dying off and I don't wanna loose the remaining 3

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of the puppies. The death of newborn puppies can be due to various reasons, including congenital defects, environmental factors, or infections.
Firstly, ensure that the remaining puppies are kept in a warm, draft-free environment. Puppies cannot regulate their body temperature well, and hypothermia can be a risk. A whelping box with clean, dry bedding and a heat source like a heating pad set on low, covered with a towel, can provide the necessary warmth.
The puppies should be nursing every 2-3 hours and should appear content and sleepy after feeding. If they are crying excessively, it could indicate they are not getting enough milk.
Cleanliness is crucial. Regularly clean the whelping area to minimize the risk of infection. Wash your hands before and after handling the puppies to prevent the spread of disease.
If any of the remaining puppies or the mother show signs of distress, such as labored breathing, lethargy, refusal to eat, or if the mother has a foul-smelling discharge or a fever, these are urgent signs that require immediate veterinary care.
If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.
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