Sun, Aug 11, 2024

He’s breathing but not moving. sometimes he will move but then slowly stop

Dr. Sena
Dr.Tail Vet

I'm really sorry to hear about your guinea pig's condition. Given the symptoms of breathing but not moving much, and sometimes moving slowly before stopping, this could be a sign of a serious health issue. At 7 years old, your guinea pig is considered a senior, which can make them more susceptible to various health problems.

There are several possible causes for these symptoms:

Firstly, respiratory issues could be at play. Difficulty breathing can be due to respiratory infections or other lung problems. Secondly, heart problems might be a factor, as heart disease can cause lethargy and difficulty breathing. Pain or injury is another possibility; if your guinea pig is in pain or has suffered an injury, they may be reluctant to move. Severe illnesses such as kidney failure, liver disease, or other systemic conditions can also cause severe lethargy. Lastly, temperature extremes, whether hypothermia or hyperthermia, can make guinea pigs very lethargic.

Given the severity of the symptoms and the age of your guinea pig, I strongly recommend seeking immediate veterinary care. A veterinarian can perform a thorough examination and provide the necessary treatment to address the underlying cause.

In the meantime, keep your guinea pig warm and comfortable. Ensure they have access to water and their favorite foods, but do not force-feed them if they are not interested in eating.

Please take your guinea pig to a vet as soon as possible. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Thank you.