Mon, Sep 2, 2024
Loss of appetite

He is the blue/green one. I got him out the cage today and he was fluffed up and wouldn’t unfluff. He just sat next to his buddy and curled up with eyes closed. He’s been eating his food but I haven’t seen him drink yet. He also seems to be less energized and doesn’t really want to fly.

Dr. Thompson
Dr.Tail Vet

It sounds like your budgie is showing signs of illness, such as fluffed-up feathers, lethargy, and a lack of interest in flying. Additionally, a loss of appetite and not drinking water are concerning symptoms that need attention.

There are a few possible causes for these symptoms, and here are some steps you can take:

Firstly, your budgie might be dealing with an illness or infection. Birds often fluff up their feathers to conserve heat when they are unwell, which could be due to respiratory infections, gastrointestinal issues, or other illnesses.

Secondly, environmental factors could be at play. Ensure that your budgie's environment is warm enough and free from drafts, as exposure to cold temperatures or sudden changes can make birds sick.

Stress or anxiety is another possibility. Changes in the environment, such as new pets, loud noises, or alterations in routine, can cause stress in birds.

Lastly, dehydration is a concern. Monitor your budgie's water intake closely. If he is not drinking, try offering water in different ways, such as a shallow dish or dripping water from your finger.

Here are some home care recommendations to help your budgie:

To keep him warm, you can place a heating pad under half of the cage or use a heat lamp, ensuring there is a cooler area in the cage so he can move away if he gets too warm.

Encourage hydration by offering fresh water frequently. You might also try offering electrolyte solutions designed for birds.

For nutrition, offer his favorite foods to encourage eating. Soft foods like cooked rice, scrambled eggs, or mashed vegetables might be easier for him to eat.

Ensure he has a quiet and stress-free environment to rest and recover.

Given the symptoms and the fact that they have been ongoing for a day, it would be best to consult with a veterinarian who specializes in birds. They can perform a thorough examination and provide appropriate treatment. Birds can deteriorate quickly, so it's important to seek professional help if there is no improvement.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.