Sun, Aug 4, 2024

He has urinary stuff can't pee at all trying to pee and nothing is coming out he tries to pee he's getting frustrated

Dr. Balsama
Dr.Tail Vet

It sounds like your cat may be experiencing a urinary blockage, which is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. Male cats, in particular, are prone to this issue due to their narrower urethras. The symptoms you're describing, such as straining to urinate, frustration, and inability to pass urine, are classic signs of a blockage.

There are several possible causes for this condition:
- Urethral obstruction due to crystals or stones
- Inflammation or infection of the urinary tract
- Spasms of the urethra

Given the severity of these symptoms, it's crucial to seek immediate veterinary care. A urinary blockage can lead to severe complications, including kidney damage, bladder rupture, and even death if not treated promptly.

In the meantime, try to keep your cat calm and comfortable. Avoid pressing on his abdomen, as this could cause additional pain or complications. Ensure he has access to fresh water to encourage hydration, but do not force him to drink.

Please take your cat to the nearest veterinary clinic or emergency animal hospital as soon as possible. The veterinarian will likely need to perform a physical examination, possibly imaging studies, and may need to catheterize your cat to relieve the blockage.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.