Thu, May 16, 2024
Loss of appetite

Blitzen today when I got home from work was just acting out of his normal. He is acting like he sees something going back-and-forth in front of him almost like he’s watching a fly or something of that matter and it’s consistent and isn’t stopping he is almost obsessed with it. It’s causing him to drool excessively to the point he was covered in his own drool down his neck and on his side. Movement seems to continue even when he moves to another spot in the house when he lays down, he still is doing the same behavior and he never seems to rest his head

Dr. Fanconi
Dr.Tail Vet

Blitzen's behavior of fixating on something invisible and the excessive drooling are certainly concerning symptoms. One possibility is that Blitzen is experiencing some form of hallucination or neurological problem, such as partial seizures. These can sometimes cause dogs to stare intently at nothing, snap at the air, or act as if they're seeing things that aren't there. Excessive drooling can also be associated with nausea, oral pain, or other medical issues.

Given these symptoms, it's important to ensure that Blitzen's environment is safe and free from potential hazards that he might not be aware of if he's distracted by these episodes. Also, try to keep him in a quiet, comfortable area to see if reducing stimulation helps with his behavior.

And look for any signs of redness, swelling, or foreign objects. If his gums are pale or white, this could be a sign of anemia or blood loss, which is an emergency situation.

If Blitzen's behavior continues or worsens, or if he develops additional symptoms such as vomiting, loss of coordination, or collapse, these would be signs that he needs to be seen by a professional immediately. Other signs to watch for include changes in pupil size, extreme lethargy, or any significant change in behavior or consciousness.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.