Mon, Mar 18, 2024

He is losing weight. Real lump that his butt and it's turning black and the flea color put a red mark on his neck so I took it off

Dr. Millden
Dr.Tail Vet

Weight loss in a 10-month-old dog can be concerning, especially if it's sudden or severe. The lump near his rear could be a variety of things, ranging from a benign mass to something more serious like a tumor or an abscess. The blackening of the skin could indicate necrosis or a severe infection, which is a situation that requires immediate attention.

The red mark on his neck from the flea collar is likely a reaction to the collar itself, which could be either an allergic reaction or a chemical burn. It's good that you've removed the collar to prevent further irritation.

Here's what you can do:

1. Clean the red mark on the neck with mild soap and warm water, and apply a thin layer of a hypoallergenic or non-scented moisturizer to soothe the skin. Keep the area dry and clean to prevent infection.

2. For the lump and blackened area, gently clean it with a saline solution to remove any debris or discharge. Do not attempt to squeeze or puncture the lump, as this could cause further complications.

3. Ensure your dog is eating a well-balanced diet appropriate for his life stage. If his appetite is poor, try offering him his favorite food or a little bit of wet food to stimulate his appetite.

4. Keep your dog hydrated. Make sure he has access to fresh water at all times.

5. Monitor the lump closely for changes in size, shape, or color. If it's growing rapidly or oozing, these are signs that it needs to be addressed by a professional.

6. Check the rest of your dog's body for any other lumps, bumps, or areas of discoloration.

7. Keep your dog in a comfortable environment to avoid any additional stress that could exacerbate his condition.

If your dog shows signs of severe lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, or if the lump starts to bleed or emit a foul odor, these are emergencies and he should be seen by a professional immediately. Similarly, if the red mark on his neck worsens or shows signs of infection like pus, swelling, or increased redness, seek professional help.

Remember, maintaining a close observation of your dog's overall behavior and physical condition is crucial. Changes in behavior, such as increased lethargy or aggression, can also be indicative of pain or discomfort and warrant professional attention.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.