4 days ago I gave my 1 year old her vaccinations for first time. I waited so long because I found her on side of road when she was around 2 to 3 months and wasn't sure if she had some already. after giving shots to her she is extremely red and under her belly severe rash with a few spots of brown like scabs/dry skin. at same time her shots where being given she also had been dealing with a excessive amount of fleas coming from a new area we was in so I've been currently trying to cure with topical ointment that suppose to keep fleas off for about 3 months.

It sounds like your dog is experiencing a combination of skin issues, possibly related to both recent vaccinations and a flea infestation.
First, it's crucial to ensure that the flea control treatment is effective. Fleas can cause severe skin reactions and secondary infections, so make sure to follow the instructions on the flea treatment carefully. Additionally, consider treating your home and any areas she frequents to eliminate any remaining fleas.
Next, give her a gentle bath using a mild, hypoallergenic dog shampoo. This can help soothe her skin and remove any flea dirt or allergens. It's important to avoid using human shampoos, as they can be too harsh for her skin.
While continuing to use the topical ointment for flea control, be cautious about applying any other ointments or creams without consulting a vet. Some products can interact or cause further irritation.
Keep a close eye on the redness, scabbing, and flaky skin. If you notice any signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or discharge, it might be necessary to seek veterinary care.
Given that these symptoms have been ongoing for four days and are causing significant discomfort, it would be wise to monitor her closely. If the symptoms persist or worsen, or if you notice any signs of infection, it would be best to I recommend contacting the hospital where you were vaccinated.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.
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