His eyes are red and swelled up around them it started with one eye and now it's both
It sounds like your dog is experiencing several concerning symptoms, including redness and swelling in both eyes, vomiting, and coughing. The redness and swelling around the eyes could indicate conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation of the tissue lining the inner surface of the eyelids and covering the whites of the eyes. This condition can be caused by infections, allergies, or irritants.
For the eye issues, you can gently clean around the eyes with a warm saline solution using a cotton ball. It's best to avoid using cloth or tissue to prevent any potential corneal abrasion. If you have any over-the-counter ophthalmic solutions, you can use them as well. However, since the condition has spread to both eyes and has been ongoing for a week, it’s important to have a veterinarian examine your dog to determine the exact cause and provide appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications.
The vomiting and coughing are additional concerns. Vomiting can be caused by a variety of issues, including dietary indiscretion, infections, or more serious conditions. Ensure your dog has access to fresh water and try feeding a bland diet, such as boiled chicken and rice, to see if that helps settle the stomach.
Coughing, especially if it’s wet and productive, could indicate a respiratory infection such as kennel cough. Keeping the humidity high in your home can help, and using a nebulizer with sterile saline or allowing your dog to breathe in steam from a hot shower can provide some relief. However, if the coughing is persistent or severe, it’s crucial to have a veterinarian assess your dog to rule out more serious conditions and provide appropriate treatment.
Given the combination of symptoms and their persistence, I strongly recommend seeking immediate veterinary care. The redness and swelling in the eyes, combined with vomiting and coughing, could indicate a more serious underlying issue that needs professional attention.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.