Sat, May 18, 2024
Itching(rubbing ears)

She is on the 2nd month of revolution but still seeing what appears to be ear mite dander. Bought ear was solution yesterday and the pet Armour I mentioned above. Cleaned ears and treated ears with pet Armour 5 drops in each ear. Today have not Cleaned or treated because ears appear to be more itchy than they were before yesterday. Wasn't sure whether to continue treatment or not with Pet Armor

Dr. Brown
Dr.Tail Vet

Ear mites can be a persistent problem in cats, and it's not uncommon for symptoms to continue even after treatment has begun. The presence of what appears to be ear mite dander after starting treatment with Revolution (a topical parasiticide) could indicate that the mites are still present or that there is another underlying issue causing the ear discomfort.

The use of an ear wash solution is a good step in maintaining ear hygiene. However, if the ears have become more itchy since using the Pet Armour ear mite and tick treatment, it's possible that your cat may be experiencing irritation from the product or an allergic reaction. It's also possible that the ear mites are not fully eradicated, or there is a secondary infection.

In this situation, it's advisable to pause the use of the Pet Armour treatment to see if the increased itchiness subsides. Instead, focus on gently cleaning the ears with the ear cleanser to remove any debris and discharge. Be sure to use a product that is specifically formulated for cats and follow the instructions carefully. After cleaning, allow the ears to dry thoroughly.

If the itchiness persists or worsens, or if you notice any of the following symptoms, it would be necessary to seek immediate veterinary care:
- Discharge with a foul odor
- Significant redness or swelling inside the ear
- Open sores or wounds in or around the ear
- Behavioral changes such as lethargy or aggression when ears are touched
- Loss of balance or disorientation, which could indicate a deeper ear infection

To help prevent your cat from causing self-injury by scratching, you can use an Elizabethan collar (cone) to prevent access to the ears. This will allow the ears to heal without further irritation from scratching.

It's also important to ensure that all pets in the household are treated for ear mites, as they can easily spread from one animal to another. Consistent treatment and environmental control are key to managing ear mites effectively.

Remember to keep the living environment clean by regularly washing bedding and vacuuming to remove any mites or eggs that may be present in the environment. This will help reduce the likelihood of reinfestation.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.