Sat, Mar 16, 2024

Around an hour or so ago my cat threw up white foam then after she started licking her lips and opening her mouth very frequently like she had something stuck in there. Its like she is gagging but it doesnt really look like it. When she does the thing with her mouth she runs away from me and hides. She does it about every 5 minutes and she wont drink water even though she usually drinks it alot. This was the best video i could take of her doing it. She might have ate something on the floor because i always catch her trying to but im not sure. Should i take her to the vet? Thank you

Dr. Wilkins
Dr.Tail Vet

The vomiting could be due to a simple stomach upset, but the behavior of licking lips and appearing to gag suggests there might be something irritating her throat or mouth, or she could be experiencing nausea.

One possible cause for these symptoms is that she may have ingested something that is not agreeing with her or is causing an obstruction. Cats are curious creatures and often ingest inedible objects. Another possibility is a condition called gastritis, which is inflammation of the stomach lining, often resulting from eating something inappropriate.

In this situation, it's important to ensure that your cat has not ingested anything toxic and that there is no risk of a foreign body causing an obstruction. Since she is not drinking water, which is a concern given that cats need to stay hydrated, especially after vomiting, you should encourage her to drink by offering fresh water or even using a dropper or syringe to gently squirt water into her mouth if she will tolerate it.

If she continues to vomit, cannot keep water down, or shows signs of distress, pain, or lethargy, it's crucial to seek veterinary attention promptly.

In the meantime, remove any food for a short period to allow her stomach to settle, but make sure water is available. After a few hours, you can offer a small amount of a bland diet, such as boiled chicken or a prescription gastrointestinal diet, if she is no longer vomiting and seems interested in food.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.