Sun, Aug 25, 2024

it seems like maple is having urinary issues. She sits in the litter box trying to pee for a while but only droplets come out, she digs and repositions herself to try and pee again. I haven’t noticed any bloating or sighs of discomfort near her abdomen nor is she over grooming herself down. it just seems she needs to pee but can only get out little droplets. She tried to use the bathroom about 10 times in one day but I only counted what I’ve seen. She’s eating and drinking okay. No vomiting or diarrhea the photos show the multiple droplets she leaves when trying to pee in multiple spots

Dr. Choe
Dr.Tail Vet

It sounds like Maple is experiencing significant urinary issues, which can be quite concerning. The symptoms you're describing, such as frequent attempts to urinate with only droplets coming out, can indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI), bladder stones, or even a more serious condition like a urinary blockage. Given that she is trying to urinate multiple times with little success, this situation can quickly become an emergency.

Here are a few things you can do at home while you prepare to take her to the vet:

First, ensure Maple has access to plenty of fresh water. Encouraging her to drink more can help flush out her urinary system. Additionally, keep a close eye on her behavior. If she starts to show signs of pain, such as vocalizing while trying to urinate, or if she stops eating and drinking, these are signs that the situation is worsening. Lastly, try to keep her environment as stress-free as possible, as stress can exacerbate urinary issues in cats.

However, given the severity of her symptoms and the risk of a urinary blockage, which can be life-threatening, I strongly recommend taking Maple to a veterinarian immediately. A vet can perform a urinalysis and possibly imaging to determine the exact cause of her symptoms and provide the necessary treatment, which may include antibiotics, pain relief, or even emergency procedures to relieve a blockage.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.