He's just not himself he's very lethargic he has a lump on his throat on his left side and it's right like where are tonsils would be I guess on humans I'm thinking it might be some sort of bite or sting but it's possible that he may have gotten a sticker burr stuck in his throat!
He does feel to me like he does have a fever and he when he eats and drinks not very much you can tell he wants more and he has lost some weight and I'm really starting to be concerned
It sounds like your cat is experiencing significant discomfort, and the symptoms you're describing are quite concerning. The lethargy, lump on the throat, potential fever, and weight loss all suggest that something serious might be going on.
Firstly, the lump could be an abscess, which is a collection of pus that can form due to an infection, often from a bite or scratch. Abscesses can cause fever and lethargy, and if the lump feels warm to the touch, this might be the case.
Swollen lymph nodes could also be the culprit. Lymph node enlargement can occur due to infections or other underlying conditions, which might explain the lump near where the tonsils would be in humans.
There are other potential causes as well, such as tumors or cysts, which would require a professional diagnosis.
Given the symptoms you're describing, especially the lethargy, fever, and weight loss, it's crucial to have your cat seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.
In the meantime, ensure your cat stays hydrated and try to keep him comfortable. If you notice any rapid changes in his condition, such as increased swelling, difficulty breathing, or severe lethargy, seek emergency veterinary care immediately.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.