Sat, May 18, 2024

Not being able to stand , hard for her to eat or drink, sometimes her eyes roll in the back of her head , her head shakes and spins sometimes , I have to force her to drink and eat

Dr. Brown
Dr.Tail Vet

The symptoms you're describing in your bird are concerning and suggest that she may be experiencing a serious health issue. The inability to stand, difficulty eating or drinking, eye-rolling, and head shaking or spinning could be indicative of a neurological problem, toxin exposure, metabolic disease, or an infection, among other possibilities.

Firstly, ensure that your bird is kept in a warm, quiet, and stress-free environment to minimize any external stressors that could exacerbate her condition. You can gently support her in an upright position to help her balance and make her more comfortable.

For feeding and hydration, if she's struggling to eat or drink on her own, you can offer her food and water via a syringe or dropper. Make sure to do this slowly and carefully to prevent aspiration. You can also provide easily digestible foods like soft fruits or vegetables, or commercial bird formula, depending on the species of your bird.

It's crucial to maintain her hydration and nutrition, but be cautious not to force-feed if she is highly resistant, as this could cause more harm. If she's not eating at all, she may require nutritional support from a specialized avian formula that can be given through a feeding tube, but this is a procedure that should only be performed by a professional.

Since birds are adept at hiding their illnesses, by the time symptoms like these are noticeable, the condition is often advanced and requires immediate attention. If you notice any of the following additional symptoms, it's imperative to seek emergency veterinary care: seizures, paralysis, labored breathing, severe lethargy, or any signs of pain or distress.

In the meantime, remove any potential toxins from her environment, including fumes from non-stick cookware, scented candles, or any chemicals that could be harmful. Ensure her cage is clean and free from any potential hazards.

It's also important to maintain a consistent temperature in her environment, as extreme temperature fluctuations can be detrimental to a sick bird. Keep her cage away from drafts, direct sunlight, or any other sources of stress.

Given the severity of her symptoms and the potential for rapid deterioration in birds, it is essential to have her evaluated by an avian veterinarian as soon as possible. They can perform a thorough examination, run diagnostic tests, and provide the appropriate treatment.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.