Sat, May 11, 2024

He pacing back in fourth and pacing running into everything not responding to his name I wave my hand in front of him and no response he whinning but I think it because he scared of what going on

Dr. Millden
Dr.Tail Vet

Based on the symptoms you've described, it sounds like your Shih Tzu may be experiencing a neurological issue or a sudden loss of vision. Pacing back and forth, running into objects, not responding to visual cues, and whining can be indicative of confusion or distress possibly due to a neurological event such as a seizure or a sudden onset of blindness.

In this situation, it's important to ensure your pet's immediate safety. Remove any objects he could bump into and create a safe, padded area where he can't hurt himself. Keep the environment calm and quiet to help reduce his stress levels.

If he's not currently in a postictal state (the period following a seizure), he may be experiencing an ongoing neurological event or a significant issue with his vision. Since he's not responding to visual cues, it's possible that he has experienced a sudden loss of sight. This could be due to a number of causes, including but not limited to severe eye conditions, high blood pressure, or neurological disorders.

To address the immediate situation, you can try to calmly call out to him using a soft voice to see if he responds to auditory cues, which can help you determine if the issue is primarily visual. If he responds to sound, guide him gently to the safe area you've prepared.

It's also important to consider any other symptoms that may arise. If you notice any of the following, it would be a sign that your dog needs to be seen by a professional as soon as possible:

- Continuous pacing without settling down
- Any signs of pain such as yelping when touched
- Sudden changes in behavior, such as aggression or extreme lethargy
- Loss of consciousness or unresponsiveness
- Persistent whining or vocalization that indicates distress
- Any signs of physical injury or trauma to the head or eyes

Given that your dog's vaccination and flea and tick prevention are up to date, and there's no history of medical conditions, these symptoms are particularly concerning and warrant immediate attention.

In the meantime, keep your dog hydrated and comfortable. If he's willing to eat, provide his regular food, but don't force him if he's not interested. Monitor his behavior closely for any changes or additional symptoms.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.