Thu, Feb 29, 2024

She is wheezing and breathing slow. She has no energy and hasn't been able to walk around. She has been getting restless though and will try to sit up off and on. She has tried eating and drinking very little though. She acts like her throat is bothering her.

Dr. Frank
Dr.Tail Vet

The symptoms you're describing in your Chihuahua—wheezing, slow breathing, lethargy, difficulty walking, restlessness, and signs of throat discomfort—could be indicative of several underlying health issues. Wheezing and breathing difficulties can be associated with respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia, or even an allergic reaction. The fact that she's showing signs of throat discomfort could suggest an upper respiratory infection, a foreign body in the throat, or potentially a more serious condition like tracheal collapse, which is not uncommon in small breed dogs.

Given that she has low energy and is having trouble walking, it's important to ensure she remains comfortable and conserves her energy. Make sure her environment is calm and quiet, and try to limit her physical activity. Provide her with a comfortable bed that is easily accessible without the need to climb or jump.

For hydration and nutrition, since she's eating and drinking very little, you can encourage her to take fluids by offering water or a low-sodium chicken broth. If she's struggling to eat her regular food, you might try offering a bland diet, such as boiled chicken and rice, which can be easier on the stomach and more enticing.

It's also essential to maintain a clean environment to prevent any potential irritants that could exacerbate her breathing issues. Keep the air in her living space free from smoke, strong odors, and dust.

If she's showing signs of restlessness and discomfort, you can try to gently massage her throat and neck to see if this provides any relief. However, be very cautious and gentle, as this area can be sensitive, especially if there's an underlying issue.

In terms of additional symptomatic situations that would necessitate an immediate visit to a veterinary hospital, you should be alert for any of the following: a significant increase in respiratory distress (such as rapid, labored, or noisy breathing), a blue tinge to the gums or tongue indicating a lack of oxygen, extreme lethargy or unresponsiveness, persistent coughing, especially if it's producing mucus or blood, or any signs of pain such as whining, shaking, or reluctance to be touched.

It's crucial to monitor her closely and if you notice any of these additional symptoms, or if her current condition worsens, it would be imperative to seek immediate veterinary care. In the meantime, keep her environment stress-free, offer her palatable food and water, and provide a comfortable resting area.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.