Sat, Aug 31, 2024
Toxic ingestion

She’s wobbling back and forth and jerking back when I try to touch her. I think she may have ingested something

Dr. Sena
Dr.Tail Vet

It sounds like your dog is experiencing some very serious symptoms, including wobbling, jerking back, vomiting, and lethargy. These could be indicative of a neurological issue, poisoning, or another severe condition. Given your concern that she may have ingested something toxic, this situation is quite urgent.

First, it's important to prevent any further ingestion. Make sure she doesn't have access to any potentially toxic substances and remove any suspicious items from her environment.

Next, closely monitor her symptoms. Keep an eye on any changes or new symptoms that may arise.

Additionally, ensure she has access to fresh water. However, don't force her to drink if she's not interested.

Given the severity of her symptoms and the possibility of toxic ingestion, I strongly recommend taking her to a veterinarian or an emergency animal clinic immediately. They can perform the necessary tests and provide treatments such as inducing vomiting (if appropriate), administering activated charcoal, or providing IV fluids and medications to counteract the toxin.

The symptoms you're describing are very concerning and could escalate quickly. It's crucial to get her professional help as soon as possible to ensure her safety and well-being.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.