Sat, Aug 24, 2024
Weight loss

Watery Diarrhea since 8/22/2024 not as active, stomach looks sunken in, no worms in pooped, dewormed on 8/17, parvo booster on 4/18/2024

Dr. Brown
Dr.Tail Vet

I'm sorry to hear that your American Bully is experiencing diarrhea and weight loss. These symptoms can be concerning, and there are several potential causes to consider, such as dietary indiscretion, infections, parasites, or even stress. Given that the diarrhea has persisted for several days and your dog is showing signs of weight loss and decreased activity, it's important to address this promptly.

First, ensure your dog stays hydrated by offering plenty of fresh water. You might also consider an electrolyte solution designed for pets to help maintain hydration levels.

Next, you can temporarily switch your dog's diet to something bland, like boiled chicken and rice, to help settle their stomach. It's best to avoid giving treats or any other food that might irritate their digestive system during this time.

Additionally, keep a close eye on the frequency and consistency of the diarrhea, and note any changes in your dog's behavior, appetite, or energy levels. Allow your dog to rest and avoid strenuous activities until they start feeling better.

Given the symptoms of weight loss and a sunken stomach, it's crucial to seek veterinary care if there's no improvement within the next 24 hours. These signs can indicate dehydration or a more serious underlying condition that requires professional attention.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.