
She’s like snorting kind of and it’s hard to breath for her and she can’t like meow

Cat, Unknown
8 years 9 months, Female
Issue details
Main concern
1 day(s)
Dr. Frank
Dr.Tail Vet

It sounds like your cat is experiencing respiratory distress, which is indeed a serious concern. The symptoms you're describing, such as snorting, difficulty breathing, and the inability to meow, could suggest an obstruction in her airway, an allergic reaction, or possibly a respiratory infection. Given the severity of these symptoms, it's crucial to seek immediate veterinary care. Cats can deteriorate quickly when they have breathing difficulties, so a veterinarian's assessment and treatment are essential.

While you're preparing to take her to the vet, try to keep her calm and in a comfortable position to help ease her breathing. It's important to avoid any stressors that might worsen her condition. Additionally, if you notice any further symptoms, such as blue-tinged gums or extreme lethargy, these are signs of an emergency, and you should get her to a vet as soon as possible.

Please ensure she receives the appropriate care by taking her to a veterinarian immediately. If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, feel free to ask. Thank you.