Sun, Mar 3, 2024

All of a sudden he opens his mouth and acts like he's choking and nursing the bubbles or foaming at the mouth and trying to walk at the same time twice and for a minute then whining and one time the same thing but no bubbles toungue was white and swollen eyes were glossy for a moment can you tell me what could be wrong almost six weeks

Dr. Floore
Dr.Tail Vet

The symptoms you're describing in your dog—sudden mouth opening, acting like choking, foaming at the mouth, trying to walk while this is happening, whining, and an episode with a white and swollen tongue and glossy eyes—can be indicative of several possible issues. It's important to consider each symptom and its potential cause.

Firstly, the choking and foaming could be a sign of respiratory distress or difficulty swallowing. This could be due to an obstruction in the throat, such as a foreign body the dog may have tried to ingest. It's also possible that this behavior is related to nausea or an upset stomach, which can cause drooling and foaming.

The swollen, white tongue and glossy eyes could suggest an allergic reaction, especially if the swelling was sudden. Allergic reactions in dogs can be caused by a variety of things, including insect bites or stings, vaccines, medications, or certain foods.

Given the age of your dog, infectious diseases and congenital issues should also be considered. Puppies are more susceptible to infections due to their developing immune systems, and certain congenital conditions can present with respiratory or gastrointestinal signs.

In this situation, it's helpful to ensure that your puppy is in a safe, quiet environment to reduce stress. Check the mouth carefully to ensure there is no obstruction that you can safely remove. If you notice any foreign objects, do not attempt to remove them if they are not easily reachable, as this could cause further harm. Keep your puppy hydrated, but if the choking behavior continues, avoid giving food or water until the cause is determined, as this could exacerbate the problem.

Watch for additional signs of distress such as persistent coughing, difficulty breathing, increased lethargy, repeated vomiting, or a change in gum color to blue or very pale, which could indicate a lack of oxygen. These signs would warrant immediate veterinary attention.

If your puppy's condition worsens or if he has repeated episodes, it's crucial to seek veterinary care as soon as possible. While I understand you're looking for advice that can be applied immediately, the symptoms you've described can be serious and may require professional intervention to ensure the safety and health of your pet.

Remember to keep a detailed record of the symptoms and their frequency, as this information can be very valuable for a veterinarian in diagnosing and treating your puppy.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.