Wed, Jan 31, 2024


Dr. Wilkins
Dr.Tail Vet

Given the episodic nature of the diarrhea, it's important to consider what the triggers might be. These could include stress, dietary changes, or exposure to certain foods or substances that are not part of her regular diet. Since the diarrhea has been ongoing for five days, it's crucial to monitor her closely for signs of dehydration or other complications.
At home, you can take some steps to help manage her symptoms. Ensure she has constant access to fresh water to prevent dehydration. You might also consider feeding her a bland diet, such as boiled chicken and rice, which can be easier on her digestive system. Avoid giving her any treats or human food, and do not make any sudden changes to her diet.
It's also important to keep her environment clean and stress-free. Make sure her litter box is cleaned regularly to prevent any potential re-infection or irritation. Observe her behavior closely; lethargy, continued diarrhea, vomiting, or a decrease in appetite are signs that her condition may be worsening.