
I found this kitten and he’s an all black cat pretty little and he’s very vocal

Cat, Unknown
4 months, Male
Issue details
Main concern
Excessive meowing
Multiple times a day
2 day(s)
Other issues
Dr. Brunermer
Dr.Tail Vet

Excessive meowing in kittens is quite common, especially when they're adjusting to a new environment or seeking attention. Since you've recently found this kitten, he might be vocalizing due to the change in surroundings or because he's trying to communicate his needs.

To help address this, there are a few things you might consider:

Firstly, ensure that the kitten feels safe and comfortable in his new environment. Spending time playing and interacting with him can help him feel more secure. Also, make sure he has access to fresh water and is being fed an appropriate diet for his age, as kittens often meow when they are hungry.

It's also important to check that his litter box is clean and easily accessible, as sometimes vocalization can indicate he needs to use it. Since you've mentioned itching, it might be worth checking his skin for any signs of fleas or irritation. Even if he hasn't been on flea prevention, you can gently inspect his fur for any signs of fleas or skin issues.

Although he seems healthy, scheduling a vet visit for a general health check-up is always a good idea. This will allow you to discuss vaccinations and flea prevention options with your veterinarian.

If the excessive meowing continues or if you notice any other concerning symptoms, consulting with a veterinarian can help rule out any underlying health issues. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you!