Wed, Apr 10, 2024

Athena threw up while I was at work I came home cleaned it up it was thick and was definitely all her food she ate that morning, she then threw up 30 minutes later and there was red goops in it she threw up again an hour later and there was more small pieces of the red goopy stuff. She also seems to have diarrhea and we have also been dealing with her smelling so bad even after a bath. We have been dealing with that for a year

Dr. Deliman
Dr.Tail Vet

The vomiting and presence of what appears to be blood suggest that Athena may have gastritis or gastrointestinal irritation, which can have various causes including dietary indiscretion, ingestion of foreign bodies, or possibly an underlying health condition.

The bad smell that persists despite bathing could be related to skin issues, dental disease, or anal gland problems, which are common in dogs and can cause a foul odor. It's also possible that the gastrointestinal symptoms and the odor are related if there is an underlying issue affecting her digestive system.

Immediate steps to take include ensuring Athena has access to fresh water to prevent dehydration, especially since she's vomiting and has diarrhea. However, do not offer her any food for the next 12 to 24 hours to allow her stomach to settle. After this fasting period, you can introduce a bland diet, such as boiled chicken and rice, in small amounts.

If Athena's vomiting continues, especially with the presence of blood, or if she becomes lethargic, has a bloated abdomen, shows signs of pain, or has pale gums, these are additional signs that she needs to be seen by a professional immediately. These symptoms could indicate a more serious condition such as a gastrointestinal obstruction or hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, which require prompt veterinary attention.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.