He ate half of a pair of underwear a couple days ago pukes it out then ate it again it has been 2 more days and today he puked awhile after he ate 3 times today and he has been acting nervous/scared ever since and he is shaking a lot until he falls asleep and when he wakes up he is shaking again

It sounds like your dog might be experiencing some discomfort from ingesting the underwear, which can indeed cause gastrointestinal upset. The symptoms you're noticing, such as vomiting and nervous behavior, along with shaking, suggest there might still be some irritation or even a blockage in his digestive tract.
At home, there are a few steps you can take to help him feel better:
Firstly, keep a close eye on his behavior and any changes in his symptoms. If the vomiting continues or if he seems to be in severe discomfort, it might indicate a more serious issue.
You can try offering him some bland food, like boiled chicken and rice, in small amounts to see if he can keep it down. It's best to avoid his regular food or treats until his stomach settles.
Hydration is also important, so make sure he stays hydrated by offering small amounts of water frequently. However, be careful not to let him drink too much at once, as this could trigger more vomiting.
Additionally, ensure he doesn't have access to any non-food items that he might be tempted to eat again, to prevent further ingestion.
Since he's showing signs of distress and shaking, which can indicate pain or discomfort, it's crucial to monitor him closely. If these symptoms persist or worsen, or if he becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, or shows signs of abdominal pain, it would be wise to consult a veterinarian. They can perform a thorough examination and possibly imaging to ensure there's no obstruction or other serious issue.
If you have any further questions or need more guidance, please feel free to reach out. Thank you.
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