She rusts her butt on the floor and whines when she poops

When you notice your puppy scooting her bottom on the floor and whining during bowel movements, it often indicates some discomfort or irritation in her anal area. This behavior can be linked to a few common issues.
Firstly, anal gland problems are a frequent cause. Dogs have anal glands that can sometimes become full or impacted, leading to discomfort and scooting. Another possibility is parasites, such as worms, especially tapeworms, which can cause irritation around the anus. Additionally, dietary issues might be at play. A diet lacking in fiber can result in softer stools that don't adequately empty the anal glands.
For home care, you can start by examining her diet to ensure she is receiving enough fiber. Adding a small amount of canned pumpkin (make sure it's not the spiced pie filling) to her meals can help firm up her stools and promote healthy digestion.
If you suspect worms, check for any visible signs in her stool or around her anus. While over-the-counter dewormers are available, it's best to confirm the type of worm with your veterinarian before proceeding with treatment.
Should her behavior persist or if you notice any swelling, redness, or discharge around her anal area, it would be wise to consult a veterinarian. They can express her anal glands if necessary or provide treatment for any underlying issues.
If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to reach out. Thank you.
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