Wed, Dec 6, 2023
Weight loss
Loss of appetite

We got her on Friday, she was up running around being a puppy on Saturday she started not wanting to eat and she was vomiting, by Saturday night she was pooping out clear liquid. I started her Pedialyte and replacement milk and Sunday she was sleeping a lot but eating a little and not vomiting. Monday she was back to normal eating and running around. This morning she started with diarrhea and not wanting to eat, I tried giving her Pedialyte and replacement milk but she would just vomit it back up

Dr. Balsama
Dr.Tail Vet

These signs can be indicative of several possible health issues, including but not limited to, infectious diseases (like parvovirus, which is particularly severe in puppies), dietary indiscretion, intestinal parasites, or even stress from the recent change in her environment.

And there’s a possibility of Parvo virus. If it’s a parvo virus, there’s nothing you can do at home. You should go to the vet. Parvo virus has very high propagation power. In addition, in the case of young pets, the fatality rate is also somewhat high.

At one month old, your puppy is very vulnerable, and her condition can deteriorate rapidly. Since she is exhibiting bloody diarrhea and has been vomiting multiple times a day for three days, it's crucial to address her hydration and nutritional needs. Give her small, frequent sips of water to prevent dehydration.

Do not offer any solid food until her vomiting has ceased for a significant period, and when reintroducing food, start with a bland diet, such as boiled chicken and rice, in very small, frequent meals.

Young puppies have a limited energy reserve and can become critically ill very quickly. The symptoms you've described are serious and warrant professional medical attention as soon as possible.

Because she is so young, these symptoms can be especially devastating.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.