Mon, Aug 26, 2024
Loss of appetite
Inappropriate urination

Diarrhea happened once, outside, around 1 pm August 25th, then around 10 pm, inside, and 1 am, inside.

She has not touched her food since I put it down around 1:20 am. This is not like her, she normally eats immediately.

To my knowledge, she ingested nothing other than her breakfast this morning around 11 am, 3 tiny clovers, and a random leaf (she eats plants randomly, I do stop her though).

Dr. Brunermer
Dr.Tail Vet

Bloody diarrhea, especially when accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite, inappropriate urination, and itching, can be quite concerning. There are several potential causes for these symptoms, including gastrointestinal infections, parasites, ingestion of toxins, or even more serious conditions like pancreatitis or gastrointestinal bleeding.

Given the severity of bloody diarrhea and the presence of multiple other symptoms, it's important to take action promptly.

First, ensure your dog stays hydrated by offering small amounts of water frequently. Dehydration can be a serious concern with diarrhea and vomiting. Next, withhold food for 12-24 hours to give your dog's digestive system a rest. After this period, you can try offering a bland diet like boiled chicken and rice in small, frequent meals. Additionally, keep a close eye on her condition, noting any changes in behavior, appetite, or stool consistency.

However, given the presence of bloody diarrhea and the other symptoms, I strongly recommend seeking veterinary care immediately. Bloody diarrhea can indicate a serious underlying condition that requires prompt medical attention.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.