
I noticed that Focus in last weeks doesn't come when I call him by command or by name. I'm not sure if he ignores it or he doesn't hear it?
When he's far away from me he doesn't even turn his head in my direction when I call his name. He actually responded to both command "come" and his name.
When I told him sit he listen recently only by noticing my body movements.. but without it he doesn't sit down as he should but he knew this command for long time. When I whisper to him "come" he doesn't react and I need to show him by hand the direction where I want him to go. He has responded to that before as well..

Dog, Keeshond
2 years 8 months, Male
Issue details
Main concern
2 week(s)
Dr. Sena
Dr.Tail Vet

It sounds like Focus might be experiencing some hearing issues, especially since he used to respond to commands and his name but now seems to rely more on visual cues. Hearing loss in dogs can occur for various reasons, including ear infections, wax build-up, or even congenital issues.

To help determine if Focus might have a hearing problem, you can try a few things at home:

First, gently examine his ears for any signs of redness, swelling, discharge, or a foul odor. These could indicate an infection or other ear problems.

Next, try making different sounds, such as clapping, whistling, or using a squeaky toy, from various distances and angles to see if he reacts. This can help you gauge his hearing ability.

Since he seems to respond to visual commands, continue using hand signals along with verbal commands to reinforce his training.

If you notice any signs of discomfort in his ears or if he consistently fails to respond to sounds, it would be a good idea to have his ears checked by a veterinarian. They can perform a thorough examination and possibly some hearing tests to determine the cause of his hearing issues.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.


I tried to wipe clean his ear a bit. It was a bit dirty. There's small spot it maybe couldn't reach or it couldn't get off. When I tried to reach that spot with cosmetic bad he was tilting his head more and whimp quietly.
Does dog's ear wax brown? It could be ear wax? He had ear cleaned few weeks ago because he were shaking and tilting his head and moving single ear backwards. But after cleaning he weren't doing that no more.. but after few days he did shake his head again. I cleaned it and he seemed to be fine after that.
Recently he had both ears dirty but one of them were much dirtier.

Dr. Sena

While brown ear wax can be normal, it's important to pay attention if it becomes excessive, has a foul odor, or is accompanied by symptoms such as head shaking, tilting, or signs of discomfort. These could indicate an infection or another ear problem.

Since Focus whimpers when you try to clean a specific spot and has had recurring issues, it would be best to have his ears thoroughly examined by a veterinarian.