Sun, Nov 26, 2023

A stray kitten walked into my home about 3 days ago, he seems healthy and playful but I noticed he walks around with his tail sticking up, and that his anus is slightly inflamed, i thought at first that it would go away any that maybe he hasn’t been eating correctly since he was a stray, but it’s been 3 days, he’s pooped and peed but sometimes his stomach is slightly larger than usual, and I’ve noticed he slightly smells like feces sometimes and I’m scared he might have an intestinal issue, but don’t have the funds to go to a vet, so I’m hoping to get some advice on what to give him.

Dr. Onesi
Dr.Tail Vet

The tail sticking up is a normal posture for kittens, especially when they are curious or in a playful mood, so that behavior is not typically a cause for concern. However, the inflammation and the fecal odor you've noticed warrant attention.

Parasites, such as worms, are common in stray kittens and can cause gastrointestinal upset and an inflamed anus. Diarrhea can result from a sudden change in diet, infections, or parasites, and it can lead to irritation around the anus. Constipation might cause a kitten to strain during defecation, leading to inflammation.

At home, you can take some steps to monitor and potentially alleviate the kitten's discomfort:

Gently clean the kitten's anal area with a warm, damp cloth to remove any fecal matter and reduce irritation. Be sure to do this carefully to avoid causing further irritation. And ensure the kitten has access to fresh water at all times.

There are certain symptoms that would indicate the need for immediate veterinary attention. If you notice any of the following, it would be advisable to find a way to seek veterinary care:

- Persistent diarrhea or constipation
- Blood in the stool
- Lethargy or significant changes in behavior
- Refusal to eat or drink
- Severe abdominal swelling
- Continued inflammation or worsening of the anal area

If possible, it is recommended that you take him to the hospital.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.