Sun, Apr 21, 2024

His brother has been messing with this spot a lot. Assumed it was grooming. Earlier there was this thing in the spot. It was big and black and spikey? It might be poop or something

Dr. Brown
Dr.Tail Vet

Based on the description of the spot being big, black, and spikey, it sounds like your guinea pig may have had a burr or some type of foreign material stuck in its fur or skin. If his brother has been grooming the area excessively, it could be an attempt to remove the irritant, which could have led to the redness and scabbing you've noticed.

The first step is to gently clean the area with a mild antiseptic solution suitable for small animals. This will help prevent infection and soothe the skin. If the spot is not an open wound, you can apply a small amount of pet-safe ointment to further aid in healing.

To prevent the guinea pig from scratching or biting the area, and to allow it to heal, you might consider using a small pet cone, also known as an Elizabethan collar, if the guinea pig is bothering the spot excessively. Ensure that the collar is the appropriate size for your guinea pig and does not impede its ability to eat or drink.

Keep an eye on the spot for signs of improvement or worsening. If you notice any pus, a foul odor, increased redness, or if the guinea pig seems to be in pain or discomfort, these are signs that the condition may be worsening and could indicate an infection or other complication.

Remember to monitor your guinea pig's overall health, ensuring it is eating, drinking, and behaving normally. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.