Mon, May 20, 2024
Excessive itching
Hair loss
Flakey skin or dandruff
Fleas or ticks

No matter how many flea pills or flea shampoos or flea collars work. He still digs at his skin constantly. The worst spots are his back, his tail, behind his ears and his legs. He has no fur or little fur in all those spots. And if you don't tell him to stop digging he will do it until it bleeds.

Dr. Deliman
Dr.Tail Vet

The symptoms you're describing in your American Pit Bull Terrier, such as excessive itching, hair loss, scabbing, redness, and flakey skin, despite using various flea control products, suggest that your dog may be suffering from a condition beyond a simple flea infestation. It's possible that he has developed an allergic reaction, known as flea allergy dermatitis, which is an allergy to flea saliva. However, given the persistence and severity of the symptoms, other conditions such as food allergies, environmental allergies (atopic dermatitis), or even skin infections could be contributing to his discomfort.

Firstly, ensure that the flea control products you are using are being administered correctly and are appropriate for your dog's weight and health status. Sometimes, fleas can become resistant to certain treatments, so it may be helpful to switch to a different type of product under the guidance of a professional.

To provide relief from the itching, you can try using an oatmeal-based shampoo, which can soothe irritated skin. After bathing, a hypoallergenic or medicated moisturizer specifically designed for dogs can help to restore the skin barrier and reduce inflammation.

An Elizabethan collar, or 'cone', can prevent your dog from scratching and causing further damage to his skin. This is important to prevent secondary infections from developing in the open wounds.

Adding an omega-3 fatty acid supplement to his diet can also promote skin health and potentially reduce inflammation. However, it's important to introduce any new supplement or food gradually and under professional guidance.

Since allergies may be a contributing factor, consider reviewing his diet with a professional to rule out food allergies. A limited ingredient diet or a hypoallergenic prescription diet may be recommended to identify and eliminate the source of food allergies.

If your dog's skin condition does not improve, or if you notice signs of infection such as pus, a foul odor, or if the skin lesions are worsening, it's crucial to seek immediate professional care. Additionally, if your dog shows signs of systemic illness such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or fever, these are also reasons to seek urgent care.

It's important to address these symptoms promptly to provide relief and prevent secondary complications. Remember, skin conditions can be complex and may require a multifaceted approach to treatment, including addressing the underlying cause, providing symptomatic relief, and preventing secondary infections.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.