Sat, May 25, 2024

Sometimes when Felix eats he will throw up and it has his food in it and it’s in like a log form. I’m cats have hairballs but I’ve never had an issue with Felix and there’s no fur in it. So I’m not sure what this is if he has hairballs or if his food I buy is not settling in his stomach. His poop stinks as well and he doesn’t cover it. The litter box is always clean and when he poops he’ll dig the outside of the box and spend 5-10 minutes just digging the outside of the box without covering his poop

Dr. Miller
Dr.Tail Vet

Felix's symptoms of vomiting undigested food in a log shape shortly after eating could be indicative of a few different issues. One possibility is that he is eating too quickly and not properly chewing his food, which can lead to regurgitation. Another potential cause could be a food intolerance or sensitivity to an ingredient in his diet, which can cause gastrointestinal upset.

To address the vomiting, you might try feeding Felix smaller, more frequent meals to prevent him from eating too quickly. You can also look into slow-feeder bowls, which are designed to slow down the rate at which a cat eats. If you suspect a food intolerance, gradually transitioning him to a different type of food, preferably one with limited ingredients and formulated for sensitive stomachs, may help.

Regarding the odor of Felix's stool and his behavior of not covering it, this could be related to his diet as well. A diet that is not well-suited to his digestive system can result in foul-smelling feces. Additionally, cats may not cover their stool if they are experiencing discomfort or stress. Ensuring that his diet is high-quality and easily digestible may improve the stool odor.

The digging behavior outside of the litter box could be a sign of stress or discomfort. It's important to ensure that the litter box is in a quiet, accessible location and that the type of litter used is one that Felix finds acceptable. Some cats have preferences for certain types of litter and litter box styles.

If Felix's vomiting persists or if he shows signs of lethargy, weight loss, changes in appetite, or if you notice any blood in his vomit or stool, it would be important to seek immediate veterinary care. These could be signs of more serious conditions such as gastrointestinal obstruction, inflammatory bowel disease, or other systemic illnesses that require prompt attention.

In the meantime, keep a close watch on Felix's behavior and eating habits. Note any changes or patterns in his vomiting episodes that could help identify specific triggers. Also, ensure he has access to fresh water at all times, as vomiting can lead to dehydration.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.