Wed, Aug 28, 2024

He ate a handful of raisins and I attempted to induce vomiting for 40 minutes until he finally threw up again he raisins. He’s acting normal now.

Dr. Thompson
Dr.Tail Vet

Raisins can be extremely toxic to dogs, potentially causing serious issues such as kidney failure, even in small amounts. It's reassuring that you managed to induce vomiting and that Champ is currently acting normal, but there are still significant risks involved.

Even if Champ seems fine now, the ingestion of raisins can lead to delayed symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased appetite. These symptoms might not appear immediately but can develop over the next 24 to 48 hours.

Given the potential severity of raisin toxicity, I strongly recommend that you take him to a vet immediately. This is because when symptoms appear, the kidneys are already damaged, so it is difficult to reverse and can lead to death.

The vet may perform blood tests to check kidney function and may administer activated charcoal to prevent further absorption of toxins. Intravenous fluids and other supportive treatments might also be necessary to protect your dog's kidneys.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.