Wed, Jun 5, 2024
Sensitive to touch
Excessive discharge
Itching(rubbing ears)
Head shaking

Her ears are hot and sensitive to touch

Dr. Onesi
Dr.Tail Vet

Given Blue's symptoms, it sounds like she is experiencing a significant ear infection or inflammation, likely exacerbated by her skin issues and the presence of fleas and ticks.

Ear infections are common in pets. I’m not sure how much of an infection she has, but it might be more of a problem than you realize. For the time being, proper use of ear sanitizers available online or in stores is also beneficial to her ear hygiene.

Ensure she is on a proper flea and tick preventative. A topical or oral treatment can help eliminate these parasites, reducing overall itching and secondary infections.

To prevent further damage from scratching, an E-collar can be very helpful. This will stop her from scratching her ears and making the infection worse.

If she shows symptoms such as loss of balance, heavy bleeding, lethargy, or high fever, you should take her to the hospital as soon as possible.

If possible, I would recommend taking her to the vet to determine the exact condition and cause.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.