
Her eyes are looking outward and are very bloodshot. It looks like some kind of irritation making her eyes tear up

Dog, Border Collie
4 years 9 months, Female
Issue details
Main concern
1 day(s)
Other issues
Dr. Valliyatte
Dr.Tail Vet

I'm sorry to hear that your dog is experiencing eye issues. The redness, swelling, and tearing you're noticing could be due to several factors, such as allergies, irritation from foreign objects, or even an infection. Here are a few steps you can take at home to help:

Firstly, it's important to keep your dog's eyes clean. You can gently wipe away any discharge using a clean, damp cloth with lukewarm water. Be careful not to touch the eye directly to avoid causing any discomfort.

Next, take a moment to check for any visible foreign objects, like dust or debris, in the eye. If you do notice something, it's best not to attempt removing it yourself, as this could lead to further irritation.

Also, try to minimize your dog's exposure to potential irritants. This includes smoke, strong perfumes, or cleaning agents that might exacerbate the irritation.

You might also consider using over-the-counter artificial tears to help soothe your dog's eyes. Just ensure that the product is safe for canine use.

If your dog's symptoms persist or worsen, it's crucial to consult a veterinarian. They can conduct a thorough examination and provide the appropriate treatment, especially if there's an underlying infection or a more serious condition.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions. Thank you.