Wed, May 22, 2024


Dr. Millden
Dr.Tail Vet

The symptoms you've described in your 5-month-old mixed breed female dog, particularly the presence of bloody or black diarrhea that has been episodic over the past 5 days but is no longer ongoing, can be indicative of several conditions. The coloration suggests that there may have been bleeding within the gastrointestinal tract. This could be due to a variety of causes, such as dietary indiscretion (eating something she shouldn't have), infections, parasites, or even a reaction to stress or certain foods.
Given that the diarrhea has stopped, it's possible that the initial cause has resolved. However, it's important to ensure that she remains healthy and to prevent a recurrence. To support her digestive health, you can provide a bland diet for a few days, consisting of boiled chicken and rice, which is gentle on the stomach. Gradually reintroduce her regular diet over a few days once her stool is consistently solid.
Ensure she has access to plenty of fresh water to prevent dehydration, which can occur with diarrhea. Observe her behavior and appetite closely; if she is active and eating well, these are positive signs.