Rowdy has ringworm and need to know what to do for him.
Ringworm is a common fungal infection in cats, particularly in young kittens like Rowdy. Despite its name, it is not caused by worms but by fungi that thrive on the skin, hair, and nails. Given Rowdy's symptoms of excessive itching, hair loss, and scabbing, it’s essential to address this promptly to prevent further spread and discomfort.
Firstly, it's crucial to isolate Rowdy. Since ringworm is highly contagious, keeping him separated from other pets and humans in the household will help prevent the spread of the infection.
Next, regularly clean and disinfect areas where Rowdy spends time. This includes his bedding, toys, and grooming tools.
For topical treatments, you can apply antifungal creams or ointments to the affected areas. Over-the-counter options like miconazole or clotrimazole can be effective. Make sure to follow the instructions on the packaging and apply them consistently.
Bathing Rowdy with a medicated shampoo containing miconazole or chlorhexidine can also help. Leave the shampoo on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly, and do this twice a week.
To prevent Rowdy from licking the treated areas, which can interfere with the healing process, use an Elizabethan collar (cone).
Given that Rowdy has been experiencing these symptoms for two weeks and they are still ongoing, it’s important to monitor his condition closely. If you notice any worsening of symptoms or if the infection does not start to improve with home treatment, it would be best to consult a veterinarian.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.