Sat, Jun 1, 2024

My recently born kitty (only 2weeks only) has this open wound I just noticed on the very top of the arm about to be shoulder area, I’ve never seen it before as it’s covered with that piece of skin or whatever it is u seen flapping on left of wound, I wanna have an idea is this big deal and what is it so I can either help fix the problem or whatever the case may be.. 1 of 5 kitties and only one with it

Dr. Choe
Dr.Tail Vet

The open wound on your kitten's armpit is indeed concerning, especially considering the kitten's young age. Here are some steps you can take to care for it:

First, it's important to keep the area clean. You can gently clean the wound using a saline solution or a mild antiseptic solution. Avoid using hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, as these can be too harsh and may delay the healing process.

Next, to prevent infection, apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment that is safe for cats. Be cautious to ensure the kitten does not lick the ointment off, as this could be harmful.

It's also crucial to monitor the wound for any signs of infection. Look out for redness, swelling, discharge, or a foul smell. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek veterinary care immediately.

Make sure to keep the kitten comfortable by providing a clean, warm, and safe environment. Limit its activity to prevent further injury to the wound.

Given the kitten's age and the nature of the wound, I highly recommend consulting a veterinarian as soon as possible. The vet can perform a thorough examination and provide appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics or other medications.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.