Mon, Sep 2, 2024
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Toxic ingestion
Urinary health

This has been his second day vomiting he is still not eating nor drinking water and no vet is open today I'm really concern about my dog what can I do to help him

Dr. Onesi
Dr.Tail Vet

I'm really sorry to hear that your puppy is experiencing these issues. Vomiting multiple times a day, especially when accompanied by loss of appetite, weight loss, and potential toxic ingestion, is very concerning, particularly in such a young dog. Here are some steps you can take to help your puppy until you can get to a vet:

First and foremost, hydration is crucial. Dehydration is a significant risk with frequent vomiting, so try offering small amounts of water frequently. If your puppy refuses to drink, you might try offering ice cubes to lick, which can be more appealing and easier on the stomach.

If you have an electrolyte solution like unflavored Pedialyte, you can offer small amounts to help maintain hydration and electrolyte balance. Mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio for best results.

Ensure your puppy is resting in a quiet, comfortable place. Limiting physical activity can help reduce stress on their body.

Keep a close eye on any changes in behavior, additional symptoms, or worsening of current symptoms. Make a note of any new signs that might develop, as this information will be helpful for your veterinarian.

Do not force your puppy to eat if they are not interested. Once the vomiting subsides, you can try offering a bland diet like boiled chicken and rice in small, frequent amounts.

If you suspect your puppy has ingested something toxic, try to identify the substance and contact a pet poison control hotline for immediate advice.

Given the severity of the symptoms and the age of your puppy, it is crucial to seek veterinary care as soon as possible. Puppies can deteriorate quickly, and professional intervention is often necessary to address the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.