ive never had a cat do this. what could be the cause? and what should i do?

I'm sorry to hear about the issues your cat is experiencing with her eye. The symptoms you're describing, such as squinting, keeping the eye closed, redness, and discharge, could be attributed to several potential causes.
One possibility is conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation of the eye's lining and is quite common in cats. This condition can arise from infections, allergies, or irritants. Another possibility is an infection, which could be viral or bacterial, such as feline herpesvirus or chlamydia. It's also possible that a foreign body, like dust or a small object, is irritating the eye. Lastly, an injury, such as a scratch or trauma to the eye, could be causing these symptoms.
Given that the issue has persisted for a few days and involves both the eye and ear, it's important to monitor your cat closely. Here are some steps you can take in the meantime:
First, keep the eye clean by gently wiping away any discharge with a clean, damp cloth. Use warm water and be gentle to avoid causing further irritation. It's also important to monitor your cat for any changes in behavior or worsening of symptoms. Additionally, make sure to avoid any irritants, such as soaps or shampoos, getting into her eyes during baths.
If the symptoms persist or worsen, I recommend consulting a veterinarian. They can provide a proper diagnosis and treatment, which may include medication if an infection is present.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you.
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