Fri, Aug 30, 2024

She has thrown up twice. Both times were about an hour to half an hour after eating and had diarrhea about 20 minutes ago

Dr. Floore
Dr.Tail Vet

I'm sorry to hear that she isn't feeling well. Vomiting and diarrhea in young cats can indeed be concerning, especially when they occur together. These symptoms can be caused by a variety of factors, such as dietary indiscretion, infections, parasites, or even stress.

First, consider dietary management. Temporarily withhold food for 8~12 hours to allow her stomach to settle. After this period, you can offer small amounts of a bland diet, such as boiled chicken or a prescription diet recommended for gastrointestinal issues. Make sure the food is plain and unseasoned.

Next, ensure she stays hydrated. Offer her fresh water frequently.

If she continues to vomit, has persistent diarrhea, or shows signs of lethargy, dehydration (such as dry gums or decreased skin elasticity), or any other concerning symptoms, it would be best to seek veterinary care promptly. Young kittens can become dehydrated quickly, and a veterinarian can provide the necessary treatments and diagnostics to address the underlying cause.

And did Beatrice get all the vaccines? There’s a possibility of Parvo virus. If it’s a parvo virus, there’s nothing you can do at home. You should go to the vet. Parvo virus has very high propagation power. In addition, in the case of young pets, the fatality rate is also somewhat high.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you.