
She began having seizures tonight. Just right side shaking and walking in circles. Eats in between acts normal otherwise except for the seizures every 15 mins or so lasting 15ish seconds. Is this a possible sign of rabies

Cat, American Shorthair
10 months, Female
Issue details
Main concern
1 day(s)
Dr. Sena
Dr.Tail Vet

Seizures in a young kitten, especially when they occur as frequently as every 15 minutes, are extremely concerning and may indicate a serious underlying condition.

Seizure is one of the most common neurological conditions in pets. The cause of the seizure is not clear but is related to the central nervous system and is primarily idiopathic or inherited. Liver disease, kidney failure, brain tumor, trauma, or toxin also can lead your pet to seizures. The seizure is not painful to a pet, but status epileptics, characterized by a seizure that lasts more than five minutes, is a difficult and life-threatening situation.

Given the severity and frequency of the seizures, it is imperative to seek immediate veterinary care. Seizures can lead to significant complications, including brain damage, if not promptly addressed. A veterinarian will be able to perform necessary diagnostics, such as blood tests and imaging, to determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.

In the meantime, ensure Patches is in a safe environment to prevent injury during a seizure. Remove any objects that she could hurt herself on and keep her in a quiet, calm area. Do not attempt to restrain her during a seizure, but stay close to monitor her condition.

Please take Patches to the nearest veterinary hospital or emergency clinic as soon as possible. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Thank you.