Wed, Jan 3, 2024

I woke up yesterday and as my cat walked past me she had what looked like litter stuck to her butt but I waited until she went to the bathroom and it’s still there I turned my flashlight on to see what I thought was litter but it doesn’t really look like litter anymore it’s been going on two days now and I’m unsure what it is

Dr. Thompson
Dr.Tail Vet

I'm sorry, but it's hard to tell exactly what it is from the picture. The substance could be fecal matter, which might suggest a few different issues.

Firstly, it's possible that your cat is experiencing some form of gastrointestinal upset, which could be causing diarrhea or unusually soft stools that are sticking to her fur.

Another possibility is that your cat could be suffering from anal gland issues. Cats have two small glands located on either side of their anus that secrete a material used for marking territory. If these glands become impacted or infected, the material can become thickened and may not be expressed normally, leading to a buildup that can adhere to the fur.

A third consideration is that your cat could have a parasitic infection, such as worms, which can sometimes be seen in the feces or around the anus.

Gently clean the area with a warm, damp cloth to remove any debris. Be careful not to irritate the skin. And monitor your cat's behavior. Look for signs of discomfort, excessive licking of the area, scooting, or difficulty defecating. Ensure your cat is hydrated, as dehydration can contribute to constipation and gastrointestinal issues.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, it would be a sign that your cat needs to see a veterinarian promptly:

- Persistent diarrhea or constipation
- Blood in the stool or around the anus
- Swelling or a bad odor coming from the rear
- Lethargy, loss of appetite, or other changes in behavior

Is she passing stool as usual, and is there anything out of the ordinary in her appetite or behavior?

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to come back to us! Thank you.